LE jeu sans fin : LE RETOUR ! ( partie 2)

j'ai de la pâte à tarte sablée toute prête, j'ajoute des fraises à ma liste si tu veux

fraise :arrow: glace

nath je suis sur le site que tu nous as transmis...
le prix du cadeau pour le bébé est le même qu'en euros, celui de mon appareil à churros :
Level 1 Human Baby Creeper
The casual RPG enthusiast will look at this creeper, chuckle, possibly buy it for their child, and move on. However, the avid J!NX gamer will inevitably flame this design with questions such as "Wouldn't a baby be level 0?", or "What is its class? Mage? Rogue?", or "My baby's INT should be WAY higher!", or "Does that high Charisma give my baby the ability to lead up to 15 henchmen?". We expect this. And that, my fanatical friends, is why we love you.

Price: $14.95